Nodes in a scene can be marked as having an interactable behavior. There are currently two different types of interactables that can be specified:
- WebSG.InteractableType.Interactable: The object tracks if it's been pressed, held, or released.
- WebSG.InteractableType.Grabbable: The object is made grabbable and can be picked up and moved around.
Interactables are used for any object that you want add a custom behavior to when interacted with. For example, you might want to add a button to toggle the lights in a room.
world.onload = () => {
const lightSwitch = world.findNodeByName("LightSwitch");
// Note: LightSwitch must already have a collider and physics body defined
materialButton.addInteractable(); // Default is InteractableType.Interactable
let lightSwitchState = false;
world.onupdate = () => {
// Get the interactable pressed state.
if (lightSwitch.interactable.pressed) {
lightSwitchState = !lightSwitchState;
// Toggle the light
Grabbables are used for any object that you want to be able to pick up and move around. For example, you might want to add a ball that you can pick up and throw.
const ball = world.createNode({
mesh: sphereMesh,
// You must specify a collider and physics body before adding the grabbable interactable behavior
ball.collider = world.createCollider({
type: WebSG.ColliderType.Sphere,
radius: 0.5,
// Make sure the physics body is rigid so it moves when grabbed
type: WebSG.PhysicsBodyType.Rigid,
mass: 1,
// Add the interactable behavior after adding the physics body
type: WebSG.InteractableType.Grabbable, // Make the ball grabbable
For a more complete example, see Part 1 of the WebSG tutorial series.