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Getting Started

Image of two avatars in a sci-fi world

Welcome to Third Room, an open-source social platform built on the Matrix protocol, designed to provide a user-friendly, secure, and decentralized communication experience in fully immersive 3D worlds with support for desktop and XR. This documentation will guide you through the basics of Third Room, helping you get started and familiarize yourself with the platform.

What is Third Room?

Third Room is a social platform that leverages the Matrix protocol, a decentralized and open communication standard that enables secure, real-time communication. It provides an accessible interface for users to communicate and collaborate in a fully 3D environment that values privacy and data ownership.

Key Features

  • 🌐 3D Worlds: Create and join public or private worlds for various purposes, such as discussions, project collaborations, or event organizations.
  • 🔗 Decentralized: Third Room is built on Matrix, ensuring that your data is not controlled by a single entity. Instead, it is distributed across various servers, known as homeservers, promoting data ownership and security.
  • 🔒 End-to-end encryption: Communication in Third Room is protected by end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your messages and files can only be accessed by the intended recipients.
  • 🪄 User-friendly interface: Third Room is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible even for users who are new to decentralized communication platforms.
  • 🤝 Interoperability: The Matrix protocol allows for seamless communication between different platforms, making Third Room a versatile tool that can connect you to various other communication services.

Getting Started

1. Sign up

Screenshot of the ThirdRoom signup page

To start using Third Room, you can use a guest account to try things out, or you can create an account. Visit the Third Room website, click on the "Login" button and follow the steps from there.

When signing up, you'll be prompted to choose a homeserver. This is the server where your account data will be stored. You can either choose the default homeserver provided by Third Room or select a different one from the list of available servers. You also have the option to set up your own homeserver if you prefer to have more control over your data.

2. Join or create worlds

Screenshot of the ThirdRoom room list with create world menu open

Once you've signed in, you can start exploring Third Room by joining existing worlds or creating new ones. To join a world, click on any of the worlds listed in the panel on the left. To create a new world: click the plus sign on the top of the left navgation panel and click "Create World".

3. Invite users and manage world settings

Screenshot of the ThirdRoom invitation modal

After creating a world, you can invite other users to join by sending them an invitation or sharing the world's unique link. As the world creator, you have the ability to manage the world's settings, such as changing the world's name, description, or privacy settings. You can also assign roles and permissions to other users in the world, allowing them to help with moderation or other tasks.

4. Customize your profile

Screenshot of the ThirdRoom room list with the profile menu open

Personalize your Third Room experience by customizing your profile. Click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner and select "View Profile" to add a display name and profile picture.

Remember that Third Room is built on Matrix, which means that you can also communicate with users on other platforms that support the Matrix protocol, making it a versatile tool for collaboration and communication.

As you continue using Third Room, you may discover additional features and settings that cater to your specific needs or preferences. The platform is continually being developed and improved, so stay tuned for updates and new features that enhance your Third Room experience.

If you have questions, need support, or want to provide feedback, visit the Third Room chat. Your input is valuable to us as we work to create a user-friendly and secure platform for decentralized communication.

Happy exploring, and welcome to the Third Room community!